Gorgeous Hands Set to Work on Narrative Film to Accompany Their Debut, "Tender"

Gorgeous Hands Set to Work on Narrative Film to Accompany Their Debut, “Tender”

Fire video

The Gorgeous Hands, one of the Fuss dot us faves are setting to work on a feature-length narrative film alongside Barry Lacina and his Happy Ness Production Crew. The film is set to accompany their debut album, Tender. We got Rusty Galis on the horn to talk about exactly what the hell is going on in the photo above and here what he divulged:

“Basically, we put out this album all by ourselves and some Kickstarter help. We’re working on getting it promoted as well. But Barry, being a friend of my brother’s and a major fan of the band wanted to go big with it so him and Adam [Cook, of Happy Ness] worked up a whole script and went on tour with us for a couple of days to snag footage and work out the whole story. We’re doing a little bit of acting. We did the video for “Pieces” which is going to be totally awesome. He’s in the process of editing all the footage we got while we try to play as many shows before we take a couple months of a break so I can focus on polo.

In the photo above, I set fire to an entire field of dead grass in a really small town on border of Louisiana and Texas. How this fits into the story only Barry knows, but I can tell you that it’s beautifully shot. That guy can light in the dark.”

We’ll keep you guys posted on how this whole thing shakes out. Until then, check out Tender and prepare.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=506147401 size=medium bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]