Nightmoves // Friday July 19

Nightmoves // Friday July 19


5pm – get off work, buy presale tix to Holy Mountain (quantity: 2) for the Berkshire Hounds and Crooks

5:20 – go to HEB and buy 6 cans shitty beer (preferably Busch) and whatever nicer beer is on sale at the moment

5:25 – get home, say hi to roommates, let out dog, go into room turn on Sublime’s 40oz. to Freedom and chug two of the shitty beers. Note: you will feel awful.

5:50 – let beer settle in belly, drink water to tone things down a bit after you built up a good base

5:55 – feeling a bit saucy, begin texting friends and potential significant others of the opposite or non-opposite sex to tell them what you are up to and see if they maybe want to chill later. Pack bike into car

7:00 – grab remaining 4 beers and one roommate and go to Trailer Space to look at records and finish the beers. The Slanted Ones are playing there. Find nearby ATM and pull out $40. this is all you will need on this night

7:45 – ride bike towards downtown to Frank. Make sure to ride by Austin Music Hall cause New Order is playing there and you might be able to hear them.

8:15 – arrive at Frank and pay ($5) to see John Wesley Coleman. He is a modern day garage rock troubador or some sort. Buy one beer brat and a Lone Star ($8 + tip). Remaining cash, $25.

9:00 – go to Holy Mountain to see the Hounds. If you decide to stay for Crooks, then stop reading. If you want to leave, read on

10:00 – ride bike over to East side and meet up with friends at the White Horse or the Eastern (FuckmeFuckme Fridays) or Cheer Up Charlies. They all have cheap drinks. Spend $10 on two different drinks. Talk about whether Infest is going to work in the old Antone’s location or not. Text potential significant other and tell them you’re on the East Side. At this point you are feeling pretty good. Remaining cash, $15

11:00 – walk over to Hotel Vegas to catch the last two bands, Sonny Vincent, The Flash Boys and drink super cheap beer (Max quantity at this point is two). Cover will be about $5 probably, so remaining cash is $5

1:45 – ride bike to nearby gas station and get a bag of jerky with your $5 to absorb some of that cheap beer you drank tonight. commiserate that your significant other never intended to meet you on the East side for bahn mi

2:30 – arrive at home on bike

10:30 next day – wake up and drink good beer (hair of the dog), drink lots of coffee, eat bowl or rice and two hard-boiled eggs, and start bothering roommates to take you to pick up your car. if necessary ride bike there but be sure to wear a swimsuit and tank top and make a good playlist beforehand

Nightmoves is a column that details an ideal situation to see a couple shows, visit some cool bars where friends hang out, and have a few beers, all without having to spend a ton of money or be super cheap. Costs are relative and details are subject to change.